CBD-The Health Hack that changed my life….

CBD-The Health Hack that changed my life….

Posted by admin in Health 08 Jun 2019


As you know by now I am a half-a-hippie mom who does her best to stick with natural solutions whenever possible, but for quite some time I thought I might have to give in to big Pharma in an effort to handle my anxiety. So when it’s no surprise that when I heard about the benefits of cannabinoids, I was quick to jump on the CBD-train.

I first experienced the benefits of nutraceuticals in 2013 when I started incorporating ancient eastern superfood, and herbal nutrition into my diet. Since I was a healthy eater before, I was truly amazed at the huge differences I started to see in my weight, energy, skin, sleep, stress levels, and mood. I have had a new appreciation for natural botanicals and phytonutrients ever since, and even made a business out of it.

While my anxiety was pretty much under control thanks to my nutrition and diet, in 2017 a yoga inversion sparked a vertigo “attack” (for lack of a better word) that literally sent me into a tail spin. Imagine the world spinning as if you are on the fastest merry-go-round on the planet. THAT is what vertigo feels like and it’s debilitating. While the cause of my vertigo was benign (crystals traveling into my ear canal,) the stress of worrying when it would happen again triggered my anxiety once again. I was able to control the vertigo with some vestibular therapy and visits to a specialized chiropractor, but the anxiety lingered for months and started to affect my daily life. That is when I stumbled across CBD and I have been raving about my results ever since.

So what is CBD-

CBD is short for cannabidiol, and is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. It is extracted from the resin and diluted with another oil like MCT. It can come in various forms (capsules, tinctures, and tongue sprays.). You can also purchase topical CBD products, and even dog treats! More and more new brands are popping up EVERYWHERE, but not all are the same, and there are some important things to look out for which I will discuss in a bit. CBD is completely non-psychoactive. This means that we can enjoy the benefits without the negative side effects of getting “high.”

What does it do?

CBD inherits many of the medicinal benefits of cannabis (anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiolytic) which provides NATURAL stress, anxiety, and even pain relief. CBD also interacts with certain receptors in the body. These receptors are part of the endocannabinoid system, and I don’t want to get all “sciencey” on you so just know that CBD affects how these receptors signal the body its chemicals.

Here are just some of the health benefits associated with CBD—

1. Relief from chronic pain
2. Calms childhood epilepsy
3. Reduces anxiety and depression
4. Reduces Inflammation
5. Reduces oxidative stress
6. Improves heart health
7. Promotes healthy weight
8. Improves some skin conditions
9. Can slow tumor growth with certain cancers

How to choose what CBD is right for you:

With so many different brands and options out there the CBD shopping process can seem overwhelming. What dose do I need? Where is it grown? Is it organic? Broad or Full Spectrum? The list goes on.
Here are my tips for making sure you are getting the safest, most effective CBD oil.
1. Know what you are getting– ONLY purchase from companies that can produce 3rd party lab results on their products. This ensures that there are no harmful contaminants AND that you are getting the amount of cannabinoids that you are paying for.
2. How much THC is in the product? Some CBD oils contain trace amounts of THC. This can be a HUGE issue for anyone who might get drug tested at work etc. To be safe find one that has NO THC like this one. Even trace amounts can show up on a drug test!
3. Where is the hemp sourced and how. Colorado is known for cultivating some of the best quality hemp around and ALWAYS make sure you are purchasing organic CBD products that are 3rd party tested to ensure purity. Pesticides are toxic no matter how you slice it.
After a lot of research and trial and error I only found ONE company that ticked off all of the boxes for me. They are a Colorado based company that offer ORGANIC, Pharmaceutical Grade and BROAD Spectrum CBD products that are GUARANTEED to contain NO THC (a must for me since my daughter also uses it daily.) Many companies claim to have low or “NO” THC, but this one guarantees it and backs it with 3rd party lab testing.
The prices are VERY competitive with the others I have tried, and they have a great selection of CBD products from CBD dog treats to CBD face masks. Taste is important too since I’m dealing with a 10 year old and she has no issues at all with the tinctures. Check them out here and use Palm10 to save 10% on your order!


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